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Like A Phoenixx

(Photo credit

Tonight was one of those nights. When I pulled into the garage, I looked at the beer fridge and had no idea what I wanted to drink. I opened the door and saw many of the usuals. But tonight, I didn't want something I taste regularly. I hunted around on the third shelf, the fourth shelf and then found something I hadn't seen in a while: Real Ale's Phoneixx Double ESB.  (Editor's note: Yes, they really do spell it with the XX.)

If you're not familiar with ESBs, it means Extra Special (or Strong) Bitters. That doesn't mean the beer is totally bitter, but it does have some tartness to it. That makes it stand out. ESBs are certainly not for the virgin beer drinkers. They are more of an acquired taste. But once you acquire that taste, your beer horizons open up a great deal. Many nights I crave a beer that is higher on the bitter scale.

Real Ale is probably my favorite of the Texas breweries. It's based out of Blanco, TX, and I have yet to taste a bad beer from them. The Phoenixx is no exception.

When you pour the Phoenixx (and I do recommend you pour it, this is not a bottle-sipping beer), you first notice how smooth it is. It pours nicely out of the bottle and develops a nice thick, yet not-too-rich head. It's a dark caramel color, which causes you to make a few judgements. Usually a beer of this color tends to be a little heavier and sometimes can over-dominate your taste buds. But the Phoenixx comes off as gentle on the buds and not very heavy or rich at all.

At first smell, you get a hint of the bitters and the hops. It opens up your nostrils, but gives off a very clean and fresh aroma. At first taste, you might be surprised to find just how lightly complex it is. The taste has a hoppy consistency and has some fruity notes, but is not overpowering or too bitter.

The bottle explains that this is intended to be an English-style ESB, and that is very much the case. But it also considers itself a winter beer. I would hate to limit this to just the winter. I understand where they are coming from with that assessment; however, this beer is light enough to enjoy with a nice hearty summer meal.

I would give this brew 3.5 out of 5 bottles.

If you can find it, give it a try, especially if you have never forayed into the ESBs before. It's a good starter bitter beer.

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