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Dining At Savvy's Bistro Inside Mansfield ISD's Ben Barber Innovation Academy

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When I was in school the only good food was what you brought with you from home.  So imagine if your school had an award winning bistro open for lunch!

Welcome to Savvy's Bistro in Mansfield ISD Ben Barber Innovation Academy completely run by students from the cuisine to the clean up.

"They are all high school students and they all intend to have a career in the culinary world.  I have many successful students that go on to be Sous Chefs or Executive Chefs" said Instructor and Head Chef Adair Smith.

(photo credit: Savvy's Bistro Mansfield ISD)

Overall the district they has around one thousand students in the culinary program, but at Ben Barber Innovation Academy they have around 300 students.

"Ever since I can remember I loved cooking and really been interested.  When I joined this class hadn't really had any culinary jobs, now I've had several restaurant jobs" said student Ally Turner.

JD Ryan is dropping in for a delicious lunch at Savvy's Bistro in Mansfield ISD...Around Town!

Details: Savvy's Bistro Facebook | Ben Barber Innovation Academy

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