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Wildfire Crews Gear Up For Fire Season

DOUGLAS COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4)- Firefighting crews continued their training to prepare for wildfire season on Wednesday at Chatfield Reservoir.

Firefighters said despite the changing forecast that calls for rain and snow, grasses can quickly dry out and ignite, providing fuel for wildfires.

"There's always chaos when it comes to a fire and we're trying to bring order to that chaos," said Colorado Army National Guard Major Ken Walsh.

The Colorado Army National Guard teamed up with firefighting crews from across Colorado to prepare for wildfire season. The training started last week that included aerial wildfire training with flight crews.

The dip and drop exercises prepared crews to fight fires by air and practice flying with the buckets that can carry up to 2,000 gallons of water.

The training exercises underscore the importance of being ready. Colorado faces an average to above average wildfire season this year.

The fire agencies also worked on their communication.

"It's a really good opportunity for us to hone in those skills. We get a little rusty and so it's really good to make sure we get a common operating page to work off of," said Department of Fire Prevention and Control Rifle Engine Chief Kerry Webster.

Wildfire Resources

- Visit's Living With Wildfire section.

Wildfire Photo Galleries

- See images from the most destructive wildfires (Black Forest, Waldo Canyon, High Park and Fourmile) and largest wildfire (Hayman) in Colorado history.

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