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Fire Evacuees Return Home, If Only For A Couple Of Hours

NEDERLAND, Colo. (CBS4)- Some residents of Boulder County who live in the evacuation area of the Cold Springs Fire returned home for a couple of hours on Wednesday. They are among those who remain out of their homes but were allowed to return to gather some belongings and secure their property before leaving once again.

The Cold Springs Fire has burned 528 acres and destroyed eight homes since it was started by two transients on Saturday. The fire was 25 percent contained on Wednesday morning. Fire crews hope to increase that containment as they battle the wildfire on the ground and from the air.

Some fire crews will be released at the end of the day because of the limited growth inside the perimeter of the fire.

John and Annie Bonvoulior returned to their home for the first time since Saturday.

"That was crazy. We had no idea it was that bad," said John when he saw how close the fire came to his home.

"That surprised me. I had no idea it was that close and seeing how it was in relationship to the house, it was very scary," said John.

The fire burned within 100 yards of their home.

"All it really would've taken is a shift in the wind and it would have been very different," said John.

Some of their neighbors lost their homes. The couple knows they are very lucky.

"The place is pretty much how we left it and I am happy we can say that it's thanks to the huge effort that everybody put into it," said John.

Wildfire Resources

- Visit's Living With Wildfire section.

Wildfire Photo Galleries

- See images from the most destructive wildfires (Black Forest, Waldo Canyon, High Park and Fourmile) and largest wildfire (Hayman) in Colorado history.

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