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White House "Rick Rolls" followers on Twitter

The White House is never gonna give you up... Twitter

(CBS) - There really are regular folks that work in the White House. And they like Internet memes. This afternoon Twitter user @wiggsd (David Wiggs, energy tech enthusiast) sent out a series of tweets to the White House.

"This WH correspondence briefing isn't nearly as entertaining as yesterday's #TCOT #WHchat," Wiggs said. Then changed his mind and added, "Strike last comment...getting better. Why doesn't WH release the great plan to CBO for public opinion? Wish they would answer the question."

In a surprising move, the White House responded with this tweet: "@wiggsd Sorry to hear that. Fiscal policy is important, but can be dry sometimes. Here's something more fun: #WHChat"

That's when it happened...

The White House Rick Rolled the Internet.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the Internet meme, a "Rick Roll" is the act of masking a web address and pushing off as an interesting photo or news item. When a clueless user clicks on the link, they are taken to the music video for "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley. (Classic!) The meme lasted for years and was most famously used by community members of of the sites Fark, Digg and Reddit to Rick Roll the New York Mets.

Hey, we think it's a perfectly-timed tension breaker and good clean fun. And we're glad the White House hasn't given up on us.

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