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What Mashable Pete Cashmore's "friends" love and hate about Facebook

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(CBS) - Everyone's got a gripe about Facebook. For better or worse, the social network isn't going anywhere.

When Pete Cashmore posted a question on his Facebook page asking what people like and hate about the site, our ears perked up because we love a lively debate. 

Full coverage of Facebook on Tech Talk

Cashmore asked, "What's your biggest pain point with Facebook?" The most common responses were the news ticker, people complaining about Facebook changes and ever-changing privacy policy. Can we get real for a minute? In three months, no one will even remember what the old profile looked like. 

Facebook will always be free, so stop spreading that silly rumor
What your Facebook activity says about you
More Facebook changes, introducing Ticker and a better News Feed

When Cashmore asked what the best thing about Facebook was, we had an "awww" moment and a few creepy ones. FYI, Cashmore's comment trolls are more like female worshipers, praising the Irishman's good looks. Ladies, if they serve Kool-Aid at the next Mashable mixer, run!

Most people like that Facebook is a free service that lets them connect with old friends. Other answers were a bit more offbeat. For instance, some people enjoy the stalking. 

The one that stood out to us was from a user from an undisclosed location that said, "i live in a cage, faraway....FACEBOOK makes my cage a living palace - over HUNDREDS of my loved ones r in my cage EVERYDAY. WHEN ever... i want them to :D [sic]"

Okay, that was sort of creepy, but really sweet. Often times, we're so cynical and take technology for granted, but there are people who actually benefit from the things that occasionally inconvenience our goofing off time at work.

We want to ask you. What do you love and hate about Facebook?

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