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What happens when you mix ThunderCats with the Internet? Thunder LOLCats, obviously

(CBS) - Seriously - it's about time someone made this video. ThunderCats + Lolcats + Internet = the best two minutes the web saw this week.

My boyfriend makes me watch the new ThunderCats on the Cartoon Network, which began airing this past July, on a weekly basis. (Ugh, yes, really.) And no, it's not at all funny - or remotely entertaining. (Sorry, Cartoon Network!) I grew up watching the original ThunderCats in the mid-1980s. Back then, I was a huge fan. So you can imagine my glee upon hitting the play button on this fine piece of work.

ThunderCats along with a comprehensive Internet meme mashup? Score! Add to that, those funny Lolcats captions that go something like, "I can has cheezburger." Love it!

Now I can die knowing what ThunderCats world would be like if the world wide web were present.

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