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Trump largely steers clear of foreign policy in address, leaving diplomats wondering

Trump's foreign policy
Questions about Trumps foreign policy left unanswered in speech 01:12

WASHINGTON -- President Trump’s address to Congress Tuesday left diplomats and allies wondering just how he views America’s role in the world, CBS News State Department correspondent Margaret Brennan told Scott Pelley on the “CBS Evening News.”

“Mr. Trump made no mention of the thousands of U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq or the small number in Syria, and he did not explain why he’s expanding the fight against al Qaeda in Yemen,” Brennan said.

Mr. Trump did make a statement of support for Israel, but did not touch on his repeated calls for a new relationship with Russia. “That has been worrying European allies in NATO, who President. Trump again called on to spend more on their own defense,” Brennan reported.

Watch the video above for more of Brennan’s report, including concerns at the State Department about over proposed budget cuts.

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