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Tina Fey Brings "The Sarah Palin Network" to "SNL" (Video)

While hosting "Saturday Night Live" this weekend, actress Tina Fey reprised her Emmy-award-winning impersonation of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

A lot's changed for Palin in the 18 months since Fey last impersonated Republican Sen. John McCain's running mate in the 2008 presidential election. Fey and "SNL"'s writers took that to mind. Instead of focusing on one aspect of Palin's life since the election, they rolled out a near checklist of events into a sketch promoting "The Sarah Palin Network."

"Not all our programming is fear-based," Fey said while wearing Palin's trademark glasses and a leather jacket similar to the one the former governor wore while recently stumping for McCain in Arizona.

That line came after a quick scene promoting a made-for-TV movie titled "My Daughter Only Sprained Her Ankle, You Can't Seriously be Considering Euthanizing Her."

Death panels. Check.

The sketch consisted of Fey rapidly firing off names of shows Palin network subscribers can expect, such as "Are You Smarter than a Half-Term Governor?"

Resignation from elected office midway through term. Check.

Of course, the sketch didn't just focus on the past 18 months. For "Hey Journalist, I Gotcha," Fey said she would "re-edit my interviews with journalists to make them look like they were the ones that were woefully unprepared."

To demonstrate, Fey asked footage of CBS "Evening News" Anchor Katie Couric what newspapers she reads. The clips show Couric responding by looking on silently, prompting a "gotcha" from Fey.

Freezing up when asked to name sources of current events. Check.

In the end, Fey turned the sketch back toward more recent events.

"I'm Sarah Palin," Fey said before glancing down at the palm of her hand. "Good night."

Crib notes written on hand. Check.

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