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Silver Lining Of Sept. 11

Dr. Calvin Butts, pastor of The Abyssinian Baptist Church in the New York City, believes Sept. 11 produced a fragile unity among all Americans that could be strengthened. Here is what he has to say about that.

The saying is 'every cloud has a silver lining.'

The silver lining behind Sept. 11 is that it produced a fragile unity among all Americans, among every race, color and creed. We all feel we are more family than we were before Sept 11. We are Americans unhyphenated.

We have a greater regard for our democracy and the liberties it provides. We are also more sensitive to the needs of the poor in all the world. In Afghanistan, as well as Pittsburgh, New York and Washington, D.C. It is now our responsibility to work to maintain this unity. We must not let bigotry that grows from ignorance redraw the old lines or re-erect the old walls that divided us.

Our sisters and brothers did not die in vain. Their deaths have only made us stronger — a greater American people.

This unity is like a family gathered for a funeral. People who normally don't come together gather for the death of a loved one. When the funeral is over, before everyone goes their separate ways, they vow to get together again for a happier occasion, but they don't until someone dies.

We cannot afford to wait for another tragedy to strengthen our unity.

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