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Senator Blunt: Democrats focus on "the wrong things"

Updated 9:40 a.m. ET

(CBS News) Freshman Senator Roy Blunt, R-Mo., said the Senate's vote on the Buffett Rule is a symptom of misplaced priorities.

Blunt called the Buffett Rule "a gimmick that would do nothing to jump-start jobs or lower fuel prices for average Americans." The Buffett Rule, which failed to clear a Senate vote earlier this week, would impose at least a 30-percent tax rate on those making more than $1 million per year.

"Unfortunately, instead of working together to pass bipartisan solutions that would relieve pain at the pump and pressure on jobs, this administration is focused on the wrong things," Blunt said in the Republican weekly address.

Acknowledging that gas prices are a top concern to American voters, the Republicans focused their message on energy for the ninth consecutive week.

"If we're going to talk about economic fairness, or about fairness, one of the most pressing economic issues facing families, seniors, and job creators in Missouri and across America is the strain of skyrocketing gas prices," he said. Gas prices fell this week to $3.87 per gallon from $3.90 per gallon for the national average last week. 

Face the Facts: A fact check on gas prices

Again, the Republicans used their weekly address to criticize the president for blocking the Keystone XL pipeline.

"The Keystone Pipeline is one common-sense step in the right direction to help put more people back to work, reduce prices at the pump, and position our nation for greater energy security now and in the future."

TransCanada, the company proposing to the pipeline, proposed a new route this week, taking into consideration Nebraska's aquifers, which the administration said was a reason for not approving the pipeline.

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