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Rubio PAC banks $119K from water bottle sales

A tiny water bottle may nearly have stolen the show from Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., during his remarks after President Obama's State of the Union last week, but his PAC is taking that minor embarrassment all the way to the bank.

Reclaim America PAC, Rubio's political action committee, has now sold over 4,000 water bottles with the Republican senator's name emblazoned on it, according to Terry Sullivan, a spokesman for the PAC. Sullivan says that comes out to $119,200 worth of donations as of this morning.

The PAC started hawking the water bottles for $25 or more last week, after Rubio took guff for what was mocked as an ill-timed water break during his live Republican response to Mr. Obama's annual address. Rubio, like his PAC a few days later, winked at the incident in its immediate aftermath, tweeting a picture of the water bottle minutes after he spoke.

"Send the liberal detractors a message that not only does Marco Rubio inspire you... he hydrates you too," reads an enticement for the water bottle on the PAC's website.

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