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Rage: Man Against The Machine

If the frustation of using a computer has driven you to destruction, you may be suffering from “computer rage.”

It’s “road rage” on the information super-highway.

Concord Communications, a software company, surveyed 150 network managers.

They found that 83 percent of those surveyed reported abusive and often violent behavior by users as a result of a computer problem.

Here’s the breakdown:

  • The number one act of rage was breaking a keyboard; 18 percent reported that problem.
  • 17-percent said they shattered a monitor while waiting for their computer to repond.
  • Another 17-percent admitted to breaking their mouse.
  • 4 percent expressed their rage with their feet, kicking-in the hard-drive, giving new meaning to re-boot.
  • And, 26-percent committed other minor abuses such as slapping their terminal to fix a stuck cursor.

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