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Prince William back in U.K. after Falklands tour

(CBS/AP) LONDON - Prince William, along with the rest of his four man crew returned from the Falkland Islands to the UK Wednesday morning. William has been stationed on the Falklands since February.

Flight Lt. Wales, as he's known in the Royal Air Force, was one of several pilots on call for search and rescue missions in the sprawling archipelago of 704 islands.

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Local islanders say William briefly visited the local hospital, and made a trip to remote Sea Lion island, a paradise for penguins, sea lions, elephant seals.

William's visit angered Argentina, which claims the islands 290 miles (460 kilometers) off its coast and refers to them as Las Malvinas. His deployment added to growing tension in the run-up to the 30th anniversary of Argentina's April 1982 invasion.

William will take a short period of time off along with the rest of the crew and will be back at RAF Valley for normal Search and rescue duties shortly.

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