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Oldest Person on Twitter Dies at 104 in U.K.

The oldest person on Twitter died Wednesday at the age of 104 after more than 1,000 tweets on food, family visits and friendships from her home in Bradford, England, according to a Guardian report.

For the past year, Ivy Bean had been using Twitter to entertain her 56,000 followers, with the number growing since news of her death spread. She was best known for her love of that most English of English cooking - not Yorkshire pudding, Devonshire cream, muffins or crumpets - but fish and chips.

Bean even visited then-British Prime Minister Gordon Brown at 10 Downing Street. She also struck up a friendship with singer Peter Andre, meeting him last year and again last month. She also met actor Richard Wilson, who was " right laugh."

Bean fell ill and landed in hospital last month, and her tweets were updated by Pat, the manager of her care home. Fish and chips were snuck in for her.

"Ivy passed away peacefully at 12.08 this morning," Pat wrote Wednesday morning. "I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you but it was a very difficult thing to do."

A Facebook group has been created paying tribute to Bean's favorite dish: "In tribute to IVY BEAN this group is for people to pay tribute every Friday to Ivy by having Fish and Chips for supper."

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