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Obama, Biden ready with counter-programming during Republican convention

President Obama, left, and Vice President Joe Biden, right. EMMANUEL DUNAND

(CBS News) As Republicans convene in Tampa next week for the Republican National Convention, Democrats will be busy touting their own agenda in a series of campaign events and media appearances in Florida and beyond.

According to the Obama campaign, the president will travel to Iowa, Colorado and Virginia for two days' worth of campaign events on Tuesday and Wednesday of the campaign.

First Lady Michelle Obama, meanwhile, will appear on CBS' "Late Show with David Letterman" on Wednesday August 29 - the same night that Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan will address the crowd.

Vice President Joe Biden, too, will be on the trailon Mr. Obama's behalf: He'll travel to Tampa, the site of the Republican convention, on Monday and Tuesday, where he'll attempt to soak up some of the Republican spotlight.

The Obama campaign is also investing in television airtime in Tampa during the week of the GOP convention.

The Romney campaign has yet to announce the presumptive GOP nominee's schedule for the Democratic National Convention, but he too may do some campaign events while the Democrats convene in Charlotte.

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