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Melinda Gates: No iPods for My Kids

Although with her husband, Bill, Melinda Gates ranks as one of world's top philanthropists. But when it comes to letting Apple products into the Gates household, the aforesaid Mrs. Gates (quite understandably) still flies the Microsoft flag. From today's New York Times Magazine:

Melinda Gates, wife of Microsoft co-founder and chairman Bill Gates GETTY

Do you own an iPod, which is made by Apple?

No, I have a Zune.

What if one of your children says, "Mom, I have to have an iPod"? I have gotten that argument -- "You may have a Zune."

Is it true that Bill works on an Apple laptop?

False. Nothing crosses the threshold of our doorstep.

Isn't there room in this world for both Apple and Microsoft?

Microsoft certainly makes products for the Macintosh. Go talk to Bill.

You can read the full Q&A here.

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