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Keeping Fall Allergies At Bay

Seasonal allergies affect millions of Americans every year, and several irritants arrive in the fall and take their toll on allergy sufferers. But several steps can help curb symptoms.

The Early Show medical correspondent Dr. Emily Senay explains that seasonal allergies are caused when the immune system overreacts to irritants in the environment, such as plant and tree pollen or mold spores. Each season brings different irritants. In the fall, weeds are usually the biggest problem, from late August through October.

Ragweed, pigweed, plantain, sheep sorrel, sagebrush, and other weeds produce enormous amounts of the pollen that plagues allergy sufferers. Molds and late-blooming trees can also cause allergies in the fall.

Parts of the country with a wet summer season can experience more weed pollen and mold growth fueled by the moisture.

Allergy symptoms typically begin in early childhood, and often peak between the ages of 20 to 40.

The likelihood that a person will have an allergic reaction depends on a variety of factors, including family history.Many sufferers don't consult with a doctor about managing their allergies, and allergy symptoms are often confused with colds.

Allergic reactions are often mild but some, such as asthma, could be life threatening.

The more common milder symptoms include a runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing, wheezing, a sore throat, nasal congestion, and coughing.

Skin irritations and breathing problems can also develop. Over time, even mild symptoms can cause fatigue, insomnia and problems with concentration and work performance. They can also increase the risk of ear infections and sinusitis.

To help prevent allergies or make them less severe, it's useful to get a test to determine exactly what you're allergic to and take steps to avoid contact with it as much as possible.

Stay indoors helps. Keep your windows closed, wash your bedding regularly, and wash your hair and shower before going to bed. It's also a good idea generally to keep your house as clean as possible.

Talk to your doctor about the options for treatment. There are a number of drug treatments available both over-the-counter and by prescription, including nasal steroids, antihistamines and decongestants. It's important to start taking the medications before you develop symptoms. If you still don't get relief, ask whether allergy shots might be another approach.

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