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In Chicago, Elation and Despair Over Gun Ruling

Critics of Chicago's gun ban say bad guys will find a way to get weapons, often leaving law-abiding citizens defenseless.

Colleen Lawson, one of the plaintiffs in the Supreme Court case, wanted to own a gun after burglars targeted her home in broad daylight.

Today she feels justice was finally done.

"To the criminals, I would like to say, 'the Chicago crime buffet is over. We are not prey,'" said Lawson.

In a city where 175 people have died in gun violence so far this year, the question is whether the gun ban is doing any good. Two weeks ago, 54 people were shot in one weekend -- leaving ten of them dead, reports CBS News correspondent Cynthia Bowers.

Mayor Richard Daley, a long time gun ban supporter says he saw the Supreme Court ruling coming but was furious nonetheless.

"Common sense tells us we need fewer guns, not more guns," said Daley. "No one keeps statistics on the number of lives saved by a gun ban."

Handgun ownership may become legal, but it won't be easy.

The mayor hopes to enact tough regulations for prospective gun owners that would include required training, testing, even ballistic tests for any guns being purchased.

Police officer and parent Ron Holt lost his only child to gun violence in 2007. He supports the gun ban even though it didn't save his son.

"We know that when guns get into the wrong hands and they are used for the wrong purpose because those guns are designed for one thing," said Holt. "To shoot and kill."

It will take a few months for the lower court to officially overturn Chicago's ban. By that time, the mayor plans to have new regulations on the books that he says will protect citizens against gun violence, while also protecting the second amendment.

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