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Google Analytics: 5 Tricks You Should Know

The more you know about your Web site, the better. Google Analytics can tell you who's looking at it, how long visitors stay, where they came from, and a whole lot more.

However, as WebWorkerDaily's Dawn Foster points out, many GA users never get past the dashboard screen -- meaning they're missing out on some of the tool's most valuable features. Thus, she's rounded up five ways to get more out of Google Analytics. Here's one example:

In-Page Analytics. In-page Analytics is one of my favorite features, since it lets you see where people actually click on your pages. You can find In-Page Analytics under the "Content" section in the left-hand navigation. You can navigate to various pages on your website to get a different view of where people are clicking on your subpages. You can also use the drop-down filter at the top to hide any clicks below a certain percentage to focus on where most people are clicking, or you can create your own filters to only see clicks from new or returning visitors, certain geographies, or based on almost any other available metric.
Foster also shares the finer points of alerts, custom reports, exporting, and customizing the dashboard. It's all good stuff, and definitely worth reading for anyone who's merely scratching the surface of what GA has to offer.

Speaking of analytics:

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