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Glass Ceiling Shattering

College senior Jennifer Tso is well on her way to a promising career, and she's less likely to encounter some of the obstacles many working women before her have experienced.

"It's a great environment for us females to go out and learn to be as technical and as complex in traditional 'men's' fields," Jennifer said.

The environment is so great that for the first time, some analysts forecast the end of the "glass ceiling" within the next ten years, reports CBS Marketwatch Correspondent Stacey Tisdale.

"We are definitely seeing more women come through the doors in the initial screening process, as well as the end results, the hires," said James Burns, a recruiter at Cendant Corporation.

The "glass ceiling" refers to an invisible barrier preventing women and minorities from reaching their full potential in the workplace, simply because of their race or gender.

One reason it may be shattering for women is that more are choosing careers that involve computers and the Internet. The labor department says the computer industry will create the most jobs over the next ten years.

"A lot of the courses that many years ago were closed to somebody like myself
are now open, like the sciences, mathematics, technical areas,"
said Jennifer.

And some of today's young women college students don't really feel that there are those types of gender issues. Women still earn about 76 cents to every dollar men make, and very few sit in corporate boardrooms.

But these probably won't be issues for Jennifer. Her degrees in finance and technology have landed her a job as a financial analyst.

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