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Cloth Diaper Challenge Do-Over

I am restarting my 30-day cloth diaper (CD) challenge. I had to go back to what the diapering community calls "sposies" (disposable diapers),  but I take full responsibility for the failure. It is only a reflection on the fact that cloth diapering takes a little more organization at first.

I wasn't really ready to start the challenge on Monday, but I got a little overzealous and jumped the gun. My stash wasn't complete and I needed time to get organized. I had washed the SoftBums samples once, but then a blog commentator said I needed to wash them three times. I didn't know that.

Question: Is that wash and dry three times? Or just wash three times and then dry once and for all? And where is that written? It wasn't on the labeling for the diapers or inserts.

Also, I ordered a wet bag because I wasn't sure that the Diaper Genie II would work with the two-in-ones. The wet bag just came in yesterday with a whole new stash of Rumparooz, which now I have to wash three times.

And finally, I am a little concerned about travel. We are taking a trip to Grandma's house this weekend. Any cloth diapering travel tips I should be aware of? The first time I took a road trip with my son I failed to bring a plastic bag to hold the soiled diaper. It isn't fun to sit in the front seat with a poppy diaper at your feet, driving around looking for a dumpster. Learned that one the hard way. How can I avoid a similar mistake while cloth diapering on the go?

My stash should be dried and ready to go by tomorrow, so we'll officially start the challenge then. I hope the CD community gives me a pass on this one. They have been tremendously supportive and encouraging this week, so I certainly don't want to disappoint them all.


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