Candidate Profile Christopher Dodd
Campaign Web Site
Current Position
U.S. Senator, Connecticut
Birthdate: May 27, 1944; Willimantic, Conn. (Age: 63)
Education: B.A. Providence College, 1966; J.D. University of Louisville, 1972
Military: Army Reserves, 1969-75
Family: Married (Jackie Clegg Dodd); Two children (Grace and Christina)
Hometown: East Haddam, Conn.
Religion: Catholic
Career Highlights
• Peace Corps, Dominican Republic, 1966-68
• Practicing atty., 1972-74
• U.S. House of Reps., 1974-80
• U.S. Senate 1980 - present.
Presidential Announcement Date
January 19, 2007
Dropped Out Of Race
January 3, 2008

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