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BioWare Wants You To Use The Force (Again)

Breaking news in the video game world: BioWare, part of Electronic Arts, announced details today on an upcoming massively multiplayer online (MMO) game based on the "Knights of the Old Republic" (KotOR) title called "Star Wars: The Old Republic." From the BioWare press release: "...players will explore an age thousands of years before the rise of Darth Vader when war between the Old Republic and the Sith Empire divides the galaxy. Players can choose to play as Jedi, Sith, or a variety of other classic Star Wars roles, defining their personal story and determining their path down the light or dark side of the Force."

A few minor disclaimers before we go too far: I've played BioWare games for many years dating back to "Baldur's Gate," and I've had the opportunity to interview the two co-founders -- Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk -- who happen to be Canadian (like myself). And a good friend of mine is a game writer/designer for BioWare's studio in Austin. But all that aside, I've always enjoyed the way BioWare crafts its stories and characters, and who could argue that "Mass Effect" was one of the best games of 2007? In any case, "SWTOR" is one to watch. For more on "Star Wars: The Old Republic" be sure to check out the now-available official Web site.

In other gaming news, I'm playing a few new titles that have me hooked -- "Fable II" and "Warhammer Online." I've also got "Dead Space" ready to pop into my Xbox 360 but it'll have to wait a little while. Some exciting games coming out in the next few months and I'll post some more info when I've further immersed myself. In the meantime, I'll be at the Digital Hollywood event in L.A. next week moderating a panel on how virtual worlds and MMOs have impacted the business world (e.g. executives working together, problem-solving, group play, etc.).

Finally, a few non-gaming stories on the go -- tune in to tomorrow (Wednesday) night's Evening News with Katie Couric to see a story about what can happen when talking on your cell phone and driving, and a cool new technology that aims to combat the problem. It's like a personal assistant for your phone. Also for the Early Show I'm working on a story about "locavores" (people who only eat locally grown food); the "nuclear family" of the wired age and whether technology is helping us all stay in touch; and a tale of TMI (too much information) -- Socrates suggestion to "know thyself" could today be translated to "show thyself" thanks to so many social networking sites.

In the meantime, stay connected! Ha!

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