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Beat Burnout

Stressful times for all of us these days. So Harvard Business Publishing bloggers Christopher Gergen and Gregg Vanourek offer three ways to beat burnout.

Read their post for more details, but the top line recommendations are:

  1. Be smart about managing your work Manage your time rather than time managing you. That is, work effectively.
  2. Embrace renewal Exercise, take rests, go on vacations.
  3. Do work that matters to you If you are going to work hard, make it work that is meaningful.
In case you worry that your feelings of stress make you a wimp, the post includes compelling statistics that show just how prevalent work pressure is. Check out these numbers from the American Psychological Association.
  • A third of Americans report living with extreme stress.
  • 48% of Americans report that their stress has increased over the past five years.
  • 31% of employed adults report difficulty managing work and family responsibilities.
And that was before this year's economic crisis.

How do you combat stress in the work place?

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