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Back On Dry Land

(CBS / Chloe Arensberg)
RESOLUTE, Nunavit, Canada -- Well, we're officially back on dry land. After a flurry of packing this morning, followed by a round of goodbyes and farewell photos with the scientists and Coast Guard, we then flew by helicopter just a couple miles to Cornwallis Island and the town (hamlet? village?) of Resolute. It was tough to leave the Louis, the place we called home for more than two weeks. It was especially hard to leave my dad. He's staying onboard for the next leg, about a week or so to Kugluktuk. For me, Chloe and Mark, our new surroundings are slightly overwhelming, and we're going to need some time to adjust.

On the ship, our world became small and manageable. Now we're adapting to one of the most remote places on Earth where nothing is familiar. I know it sounds weird, but it's hard to get used to. That said, we've only been here for a few hours. Resolute really consists of just a series of low buildings or annexes with gravel roads weaving in between. Around us is the unspoiled High Arctic. We haven't walked around yet, but there's a general store, a post office, and I think there's a restaurant or two. We're staying at the South Camp Inn, and so far we've met "Ozzie" who owns the inn and has lived here for 29 years. He drove us by pick-up truck from the airport to Resolute, which is a few miles away.

We haven't yet begun our quest to talk to the locals about how climate change has affected this community of about 230, and we're also hoping to see some wildlife along the way (I'm told polar bears wander close to town, but of course we don't want to get TOO close). We're here until Monday, and we joked that it may be possible to meet everyone who lives here before then. Photos to come once we establish our satellite signal. Right now I'm only on a shared computer.

And here's an interview i did with John Wells, an avid bird watcher on the Louis.

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