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B-school Summer Reading Lists

The editors over at BusinessWeek are jumping the gun. On April 19, they published an article on their b-school summer reading list. Of course, the list is pretty long, so maybe getting a head start is a good idea.

BusinessWeek gathered recommendations from Boston College Carroll School of Management professor Hassell McClellan, American University Kogod School of Business professor Heather Elms and Arizona State University W.P. Carey School of Business professor Dan Brooks. Their lists are tailored to current and aspiring MBAs but contain many titles that appeal to the lifelong learners among us as well. Here are a few that made the list:

I'd like to add to the list Rethinking the MBA and The Art of Choosing. Not only because the authors were nice enough to be interviewed for this blog, but because their books are both compelling and highly informative. And don't forget to pack a few novels just for fun in your beach bag, too.

What's on your summer reading list?

Image courtesy of Flickr user reconstructionist, CC 2.0.

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