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Assignment America

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Sorry, voting is now closed. The winning story will be revealed Monday night at 6:30pm ET on the CBS Evening News. And tune in to catch Steve Hartman's report on Friday.

Does he really want to dance with you? Or is he just doing his job? Steve could show us how one cruise ship line is hiring dance hosts to make sure a good time is had by all.

It's probably not the smartest way to save a church community center, but it worked for Larry Williams. Steve could tell us Williams' story of prayer and scratch-off lottery tickets.

Or Steve could introduce us to the only college kid in America majoring in bagpipes. Obviously, this boy is a little off kilter.

Note: If you have a popup blocker you may not see the "You have successfully voted" window on your screen but rest assured your vote has been counted. And remember, only your first vote counts.

Please feel free to E-mail us your Assignment America story ideas at

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