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ABC's "Day of Giving" raises nearly $17 million for Hurricane relief

ABC says its national "Day of Giving" raised nearly $17 million for Superstorm Sandy relief.

The network urged viewers to contribute to the American Red Cross to help victims of the storm on Monday. Appeals were aired all day on ABC programming, on Disney's syndicated shows and across other Disney-owned networks.

Complete coverage of superstorm Sandy

The network's personalities made major contributions as well. "Good Morning America" co-host George Stephanopoulos donated $50,000 to the relief fund and "The View" co-host Babara Walters made a $250,000 donation after she said she was moved after answering phones on ABC's "Day of Giving."

Major contributors included Mark Cuban, the Dallas Mavericks owner and star of ABC's "Shark Tank" and the Samsung Corp. In addition, the Walt Disney Co. made a $1 million contribution to local charities.

NBC held a telethon Friday for storm victims that raised nearly $23 million.

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