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100 nude women to welcome Trump to Cleveland

Donald Trump has made a number of controversial comments about women, but is still riding high as the presumptive GOP nominee. As the general election approaches, CBS News takes a closer look at female voters' views on Trump.
What do women think of Donald Trump? 05:41

Presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump's campaign staff is busy planning for a showy Republican convention in Cleveland. But it might be the first convention that is rated R.

One hundred naked women will stand outside the Quickens Loans Arena in July holding mirrors. They will not be delegates. They will be nude. Spencer Tunick, an artist who has earned fame for photographing large groups of naked humans for decades, is bringing his bare-it-all approach to the doorstep of Trump's coronation. This project is called "Everything She Says Means Everything," and Tunick told Esquire that this project has been in the works since 2013.

"I could never have imagined there would be such a heightened attention to the male-versus-female dynamic of this Cleveland juggernaut of a convention," Tunick said. "But I feel like doing this will sort of calm the senses. It brings it back to the body and to purity."

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Tunick has created nude installations all over the world in unique environments. In 2007, he photographed a mass of nude humans on a massive glacier in the Alps because he wanted to raise awareness about global warming. Naked volunteers likewise gathered on a rooftop in Barcelona for him in 2003. There was a shoot involving hundreds of nude subjects in body paint in Munich in 2012, creating a spectacle of intersecting nudity and color.

His first project was in 1994 at the United Nations. The largest shoot he's ever done was in Mexico City - when 18,000 people gathered to be photographed. According to Esquire, Lady Gaga wrote an undergraduate thesis on his work.

There are mirrors involved in the project at the convention, and this project only features women, while his others have been included both and women.

"The mirrors communicate that we are a reflection of ourselves and the world that surrounds us," he said to Esquire.

One thing is for certain: Tunick maybe putting network television censors on high alert.

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