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Texas Tech Cheerleader Kendall Jones Is Big Game Hunter [PHOTOS]

By: Evan Jankens

Usually cheerleaders are "girlie" for lack of a better term. I know I am stereotyping but they are the ones in school who want to look good, care about their makeup and would most likely never touch a dead animal.

Unless, you are Texas Tech cheerleader Kendall Jones. She's a big game hunter -- tracking down Lions, cheetahs, elephants and rhinos,killing them, and posting pictures of herself smiling next to their bodies.

And animal rights activists are none too pleased, with the New York Daily News writing, "The pictures of her beaming beside dead animal carcasses have caused an uproar heard around the Internet."

According to the Dallas News Jones has had some backlash from her Facebook page.

This early round of media exposure began with Sunday's Cleburne Times-Review feature, which details the "name-calling" and "death threats" Jones says she's received for posting photos of her trophies. With the Daily News piece today, it's Twitter's turn. And she's received the ultimate seal of disapproval: a petition out of South Africa bearing the headline "Help stop Kendall Jones from hunting in Africa."

Do you have any problem with what she is doing?

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