Teachers Caught Playing 'Marry, Shag, Kill' Game Allegedly Featuring Students [VIDEO]
By Christy Strawser
(CBS Detroit) Parents are outraged after a group of teachers in west Michigan were secretly filmed at a bar loudly cursing, discussing student performance and playing a rousing game of "marry, shag, kill."
With laughter all around, they allegedly used students as people they wanted to "marry, shag, or kill."
The video was shot on a cell phone at the Bangor Tavern Bar & Grill and anonymously passed to a parent, who posted it on You Tube.
The scandalous video was posted Monday shortly before a Bangor Board of Education meeting. WOOD-TV covered the meeting where parents angrily demanded the teachers be fired.
District attorney Robert Huber told the heated crowd the video featured six teachers and a school secretary. He said the secretary resigned; two teachers received written reprimands; and four were given verbal reprimands.
He added they would not be fired.
"He said police helped investigate and interviewed the teachers, but determined nothing criminal happened and that there was no concern the teachers may actually act on what they were talking about," WOOD-TV reported.
Calls by CBS Detroit to the Bangor School District and the Bangor Police Department were not immediately returned.
Many aren't accepting the official explanation, including parent Amanda Reprogal, who wrote on Facebook "This an absolute disgrace! They are talking about students....MY student! Mama bear is coming out and I won't stop until I get justice!"
Others weighed in with support, including Kasey Caldwell of Allegan County, who wrote, 'This is so wrong I'm am so mad they just got a slap on the wrist they should've be(en) fired and not allowed to work with kids. Grown adults talking bad and naughty and about having kids with students/minors charges need pressed. The stupid guy at the board meeting probably is involved as well saying it didn't say nothing like that and it's fiction. B.S I heard it and everyone else did to. You have my support along with many others."
The names of the teachers and ages of the students were not released, but on the parent's Facebook thread, one writes that her son is a high school freshman and is the student of three of the teachers.
Britney Holmes wrote: "... I'm sorry your son is a target of this conversation, I will stand with you against this. I personally believe this is bullying at its finest I had hope the school board would address this situation correctly but that did not happen, instead they brought in a "attorney" to try to scare the citizens."