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Pure Michigan Extends To NASCAR Racing At M.I.S.

BROOKLYN, Mi (WWJ) - For the first time ever, the state's marketing arm, Pure Michigan, is sponsoring the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series race at Michigan International Speedway.

Vice President of Pure Michigan - George Zimmerman - says they hope to give the event, and in turn the state, more national attention than it already gets.

"It may surprise people ... sixty percent of the attendees are not Michigan residents, and twenty percent of them are Canadians. So, bringing people in, just like our national advertising is trying to bring in people from further away, that's exactly what this event already does, so we are just trying to build on what they are doing here already," said Zimmerman.

Auto heritage, auto racing, I mean that's a lot of what Michigan is about. I mean that's kind of in our DNA so, in the same way that we're promoting the Henry Ford and its auto heritage, or the Dream Cruise, this does make sense to us. Because what is more Pure Michigan in a sense than auto racing, given our auto heritage and the auto manufacturing that happens here.

Zimmerman says commercials about the Pure Michigan 400 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series race are being seen nationally.

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