New Audio Clips Catch Warren Mayor Jim Fouts Allegedly Talking About Black People, Women
WARREN (WWJ) -- Warren Mayor Jim Fouts faced public backlash last month when audio clips surfaced of him allegedly saying derogatory things about mentally handicapped people.
Now, another crop of audio has been released that also claims to be Fouts, this time talking about black people and older women. Motor City Muckraker posted the audio on Monday morning, just before Fouts was due to speak at a Martin Luther King Jr. Day event at Warren City Hall.
Warning: The audio contains strong, offensive language
"Blacks do look like chimpanzees," Fouts allegely says on first part of the tape. "I was watching this black woman with her daughter and they looked like two chimps."
Fouts can be heard allegedly talking about older women on the tapes too.
"Think I want to date a f----- 60-year-old hag?" the voice on the recording can be heard saying. "F--- that s---. I'm not interested in any old ugly hag. I think after a certain age they are dried up, washed up burned out."
"They are p----- when they are young, and when they get older, they're just mean, hateful dried-up c----."
Fouts issued a response on Facebook, maintaining that the tapes are "phony."
Macomb County Executive Mark Hackel released the original audio recordings in December that appear to have Fouts saying disabled people are not human and should be in cages.
Fouts wrote on social media that the offensive remarks about the disabled are not him. He posted on Facebook that the release of the audio which refers to the mentally challenged as "not even human beings," is a tactic by Hackel to distract people from claims of illegal dumping at Freedom Hill.
"This recording was not me! (he has the expertise available to him to electronically engineer it) This is a PHONY tape with more to come. As I said when Mark Hackel can't argue with facts he attacks. This was a garbled tape. A vicious attempt to discredit me. Mark Hackel will do anything to cover up his crime even the use of anonymous phony tapes."
Warren Councilman Scott Stevens said that the remarks attributed to Fouts call for his immediate removal.
"That these people are lesser than us," says Stevens. "And that they should die? Makes references to Kevorkian and stuff like that — that's insane. Maybe we should also require that he gets a psychological examination too — now that I think about it.
A call from WWJ Newsradio 950 to Fouts was not immediately returned on Monday.