Customs & Border Protection To Hire More Officers
DETROIT (WWJ) - U.S. Customs and Border Protection is looking to hire 2,000 new officers... with some of the jobs coming right here in Detroit.
In all, 44 different air, land or sea ports into the U.S. across 18 states will see the benefit of added officers. The goal of the increased staff is to enhance security and to help reduce wait times while crossing the border. The hiring adds another job opportunity for veterans -- with nearly 30% of CBP employees having served in the military.
The newly hired CBP officers are expected to deploy to 44 ports in 18 states, including New York, Los Angeles, Detroit, Buffalo, New York; Houston, Dallas, Chicago, Las Vegas, Laredo, Texas; Nogales, Arizona; and New Orleans.
For more information on the CBP officer position, click here
To apply for the CBP officer position, applicants must have an active USA Jobs account and complete an online application. For the application, click here