Sheriff: Jeffco Budget Cuts Could Put Public Safety At Risk
JEFFERSON COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4) - The Jefferson County Sheriff warns public safety is at risk because of the county's looming budget problem for 2020. The sheriff's office says they may have to find a way to cut a total of $10 million.
According to a news release, Sheriff Jeff Shrader received instructions from the Jefferson County Manager's Office to reduce the Sheriff's Office 2020 budget by seven percent, or $6.7 million.
"Beginning this year, the county also implemented a new policy that charges termination pay-outs back to the affected department, while also taking vacancy savings from the affected department, resulting in an additional $1.3 million impact to the Sheriff's Office budget," the released stated.
Officials say the cuts would reduce the number of beds in the jail by 400-600 and would get rid of a U.S. Marshal contract for jail beds.
The sheriff spoke at a board of county commissioners meeting on Tuesday saying he's committed to finding a solution to the budget problem.