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Health Forces Cardinal To Forego Holiday Tradition

CHICAGO (CBS) -- Francis Cardinal George told parishioners at Midnight Mass at Holy Name Cathedral that he's not making his usual visits to see inmates at the Cook County Jail and hospitalized children during this holiday season.

Cardinal Forgoes Holiday Tradition

George said his doctors want him to take it easy, explaining why he would not be making the annual to see and pray with inmates at the Cook County Jail and he spoke metaphorically saying Catholics cannot escape from the prison of sin.

"All the doors that the prisoners pass though must be opened from the outside," said George. "That's what being in prison means, someone from the outside has to give you freedom. We are filled with joy tonight because the door to our freedom has been opened, opened by a savior."

The cardinal has been declared cancer free but he is still getting follow-up treatment and his immune is weakened and his energy is lacking.

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