Family Of Bettie Jones Settles With City Ahead Of LeGrier Trial
(CBS) --- Just days before the trial was to start, the city of Chicago has reached a settlement with the family of Bettie Jones.
She was one of two people shot and killed by a Chicago police officer in 2015 on the city's West Side.
Jones was killed when Chicago police responded to a teen having a mental health crisis.
She was hit by bullets when an officer shot Quintonio LeGrier, who was holding a baseball bat.
Jones was opening the door for officers.
LaGrier's family is also suing. Jury selection in that case is scheduled to begin next week.
The amount of Jones' settlement has not been released.
The Cook County Circuit Court Clerk's Office confirms Jones' case has been 'dismissed by stipulation or agreement."
RELATED: Judge Rejects Bid To Delay Trial Of LeGrier, Jones Lawsuits