Bradley Manning was subpoenaed in the WikiLeaks trial in January. He had his own trial in December.
tow truck scandal
Some police officers were implicated in the Majestic Towing scandal
nathan krasnopoler
Hopkins student Nathan Krasnopoler was struck by an elderly driver in February. He died in August.
Duane "Shorty" Davis got in trouble for leaving this toilet outside a courthouse in Towson. Davis says it's free speech.
William Donald Schaefer
Former Maryland Governor and Baltimore Mayor William Donald Schaefer died in April.
Phylicia Barnes
Phylicia Barnes was found dead in April. The teen went missing in December, 2010.
gas tax
Governor Martin O'Malley proposed a gas tax increase for the first time in decades.
Four Loko
Four Loko was blamed for a Virginia teen's death. It ended up being yanked from shelves.
John Wagner
John Wagner was found guilty of murdering Hopkins researcher Stephen Pitcairn. Wagner will spend the rest of his life in prison.
earthquake map
In August, Maryland (and much of the East Coast) felt an earthquake.
Hurricane Irene
Maryland also met Hurricane Irene in August. Many in the state were without power for days.
Bernadette Woods Twins
WJZ Meteorologist Bernadette Woods and her husband welcomed twin boys, Daniel and Thomas, during Hurricane Irene.
flash mob
flash mob
flash mob
Montgomery County saw several flash mobs---people entered stores and stole merchandise. In December, a Maryland lawmaker proposed legislation to stiffen penalties for flash mob thefts.
Port Deposit Flooding
In September, Maryland towns saw flooding. Port Deposit was one of the hardest towns hit.
Grand Prix
Senator Ulysses Currie
Senator Ulysses Currie was found not guilty of corruption charges stemming from allegations he improperly used his influence to benefit Shoppers Food. He will face a House Ethics committee in 2012.
Walmart Evacuated
An Arbutus Walmart was evacuated after two women fought and threw bleach at each other.
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake was elected mayor of Baltimore. She took over the office after former Mayor Sheila Dixon was forced to resign.
Perry Hall Soccer
The Perry Hall soccer team was forced to forfeit the season after players did the "Bernie." Outcry soon reversed that decision.
Baltimore Ravens v San Diego Chargers
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson was found guilty of corruption charges in December. He was accused and convicted of accepting bribes.
Paul Schurick
Former Ehrlich campaign aide Paul Schurick was found guilty in the robocall scandal. Julius Henson, a consultant, will go to trial for his part in the robocalls in Feburary 2012.