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Where's Marty? Taking a tour of where Maryland road signs are made

Where's Marty? Where state highway signs are made
Where's Marty? Where state highway signs are made 01:30

Hi Everyone!

This is another theme week for "Where's Marty?" 

As a wrap-up of the year, K2 and I sat down and discussed our five favorite places. 

Where's Marty? Learning how state highway signs are made 03:10

What do we tell people when they ask us what we enjoyed seeing in 2022 on "WM?" 

And almost every time we start the discussion with, "The Maryland Department of Highway's Sign Shop " in Hanover. (It is to the South side of BWI-Marshall.)


It is a large open space building that houses a library of signs already made, and a shop that, this year alone, will have made over 10,000 street, directional and warning signs. 

Where's Marty? Taking a tour of where Maryland road signs are made 02:11

EVERY road sign you see, from an Interstate marker, or a street sign in your neighborhood is made there by a smaller-than-expected staff. 

In the shot below, two of the crew were off. That is still just a small workforce for such a large job. 


It is mostly quiet, and pretty laid back, but active. 

Today 100 crossing signs were being made, and a replacement sign for a "runaway truck ramp" sign that was damaged in a runaway truck runoff in Western Maryland on I-68 was being completed.


On the interesting scale, which is how K2 and I judge things this is "right up there!" 

And we thank them for hosting us again. 

And thank them for the souvenirs they made just for us. Look for them is the background of the future "Where's Marty?" If you know you will know!

Marty B!

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