Barrels By The Bay Hopes To Help Lower Bay Pollution
BALTIMORE (WJZ) --Saving our waterways is a priority for one local non-profit, who is placing rain barrels around the city.
WJZ's Tracey Leong explains.
The rain barrels, which have been donated by Coca-Cola, will help reduce the storm water runoff that's been harming the Chesapeake Bay.
The fastest growing source of pollution to the Chesapeake Bay is storm water runoff.
Annapolis non-profit Barrels by the Bay is working to change that.
"The bay has been named to sometimes 'one of the dirtiest bay waters in America' list, and rain barrels like these are going to help the cause," said Elizabeth Rosenberger, Executive Director of Barrels by the Bay.
It's a cause these summer camp kids at the Maryland Zoo support.
"We kind of trashed it and we need to fix it," 13-year-old Marta said. "Cause that's a big problem and we get so much things from the Chesapeake Bay and that's a problem."
The barrels will limit the debris, chemicals and trash that typically flow into the bay.
Teaming up with Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) and the Maryland Zoo, Barrels by the Bay is spreading their mission to preserve our natural resources.
"Help us prevent that flow of water into the streams and into the bay that causes a great deal of pollution problems," Cardin said.
Summer camp kids are helping decorate these 50-gallon barrels. They're also getting a lesson on water conservation.
"Cause it's certainly something they can take back with them. We can take more rain barrels, paint them and put them in their backyards," said Jane Ballentine, of the Maryland Zoo.
"Water your flowers, wash your car, top your swimming pool off. In your own home, it's definitely helping the thousands of gallons you can save from one barrel alone," Rosenberger said.
The group is hoping to install 60 painted rain barrels around the city by the fall.
For more information on Barrels by the Bay and how you can become involved, click here.