One Last Day For Bao Bao At Her D.C. Home Before Heading To China
WASHINGTON (WJZ) — The National Zoo is packing up its American-born panda cub Bao Bao for a one-way flight to China, where the 3-year-old will eventually join a panda breeding program.
On Monday, crowds went to say their final farewell to Bao Bao, the giant panda born at the National Zoo nearly four years ago.
It was a picturesque day at the National Zoo, as people captured the last hours of what will soon be gone.
Bao Bao, the 3-year-old giant panda, is heading to her new home in China as part of a cooperative breeding program between the National Zoo and the China Wildlife Conservation Association.
"In a way, it's kind of sad that we're losing her because she was born here, I understand the agreement with the China Zoo that you got to bring them back," says Cesar Navas, from Washington, D.C.
There was an agreement with the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding that says Bao Bao must return to China before her 4th birthday.
She was born in August of 2013, when eyes across the world watched online as Bao Bao was born at the National Zoon in D.C.
On Tuesday, Bao Bao, accompanied by one keeper and one veterinarian, will load a FedEx plane with some of her favorite treats, including bamboo, apples, pears, water, and sweet potatoes.
Crowds flocked to the Zoo on Monday to say goodbye to Bao Bao, but also enjoy the nice weather and have a holiday off.
Nice weather, happy guests, and a panda playing with a crate. It's a happy ending to Bao Bao's run at the National Zoo.
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