Protesters Boo, Yell 'Fascist' And 'Nazi' At Montgomery County Executive Marc Erlich During Coronavirus Press Conference
KENTLANDS, Md. (WJZ) -- Montgomery County Executive Marc Erlich was interrupted during a press conference Thursday afternoon by protesters who were upset the county hadn't reopened along with the state earlier this month.
As Erlich approached the podium, a group booed and a man yelled "dictator" and a woman yelled "fascist" at the county executive.
Gov. Larry Hogan announced a phase 1 reopening on May 15. Montgomery County was the last to announce a date for a phased reopening. Officials said it was because the county, along with its neighbors in Prince George's County and DC, were still considered a hot spot for COVID-19 cases.
While Erlich announced plans for a phased reopen starting Monday, June 1 at 6 a.m., the protestors continued to yell and boo throughout the press conference, interrupting officials several times.
Many in the group weren't wearing masks.
As Erlich stated facts about coronavirus cases in the county, protestors yelled, "so what?" and countered his statements with their own facts.
At times Erlich would address the protesters and at other times he would try to continue to speak.
"The only reason why this county didn't have the steep curve that other jurisdictions had is because of the steps taken by the governor and the other counties to flatten the curve," Erlich said
"Lies, lies -- that's a boldface lie," a protester yelled at him.
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The 22-minute press conference continued to be interrupted.
"What if you lived on nothing," another woman yelled at him.
At the end, the group chanted "recall, recall, recall."
For the latest information on coronavirus go to the Maryland Health Department's website or call 211. You can find all of WJZ's coverage on coronavirus in Maryland here.