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Neighbors, Developer Sign Agreement On 28-Acre Redevelopment Project

BALTIMORE (WJZ)--A proposed development matched blueprints with neighborhood concerns in West Baltimore.

Alex DeMetrick reports, it's a first for Baltimore, if it gets built.

The State Center project would go up below Eutah Place in West Baltimore:

"It's 28 acres. If we can get this off the ground it's going to be monumental and transformative for the neighborhoods surrounding," said John Kyle, State Center Neighborhood Alliance

A mix of state offices, private businesses and homes connecting to 12 nearby neighborhoods, each of which has been giving input to the developer.

When the cranes come, they don't want to see what often happens.

"They build their project, they pocket their money and they go about their merry way," said James Hamlin, Historic Pennsylvania Ave.

But today the developer and the dozen neighborhoods signed an agreement to work together. The first in Baltimore for a project this size.

"With this agreement we're at the table throughout the project, from beginning to end," said Hamlin.

Still to sign onto the project is Governor Hogan.

"I will continue to ask the Hogan administration to move this project forward," said Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.

"Governor Hogan has not yet made a commitment one way or the other, and we're hoping he will make a commitment to go forward," said Kyle.

And while the developer and neighborhoods are ready, the State Center project has been on hold since Governor Ehrlich proposed it 10 years ago.

Besides jobs generated by new businesses, the agreement would require facilities for job training as well.

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