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National Baseball Hall Of Fame And Museum President Jeff Idelson Explains Voting Controversy

Jeff Idelson is the current President of the National Baseball Hall Of Fame and Museum, located in Cooperstown, New York.

Jeff joined Ed and Steve to talk about the recent hall of fame voting controversy.

Jeff Idelson

Jeff acknowledged that usage of PED's and cheating are a part of the history of the game and are involved in the museum because it is not a revisionist history museum. Jeff also explained that is the reason the hall of fame ballot goes on for 15 years because it allows people to gain perspective on certain players and possibly change their final votes for said player.

Steve then made mention of Gaylord Perry getting into the hall and how he disagreed because Perry doctored the ball with his famous "Spit Ball". Jeff said Gaylord was voted in and that you can go back in hindsight and make arguments for a lot of players to be disallowed from the hall now.

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