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Maryland residents will see minimum wage increase in 2024

Maryland residents will see minimum wage increase in 2024
Maryland residents will see minimum wage increase in 2024 02:27

BALTIMORE -- The new year will bring a big change to the paychecks of Maryland residents.

Starting on January 1, 2024, the state's minimum wage will increase to $15 for Maryland businesses. 

The increase is a result of the Fair Wage Law, which Maryland Gov. Wes Moore signed in April, essentially moving up the timeline to implement the wage change. The change was originally slated to go into effect in 2025.

Maryland Gov. Moore, lawmakers discuss expediting $15 minimum wage 02:37

More money in the wallet means that people will be able to buy more things like groceries and other economic goods.

Moore said the wage raise was a promise near to his heart after growing up in a house with a single mother working multiple jobs.

Maryland is the sixth state to increase the minimum wage to $15. 

"We think it's the fair thing to do," Gina Schaefer, the founder of A Few Cool Hardware Stores, said. "We think it puts more money in the pockets of the consumers."

The wage adjustment means that people will feel better about where they work, too, she said.

Still, some people say the wage increase is not enough.

"Minimum wage at $15, like, you can't support your family if you have kids," Callie Roth said. "It's difficult to live on that here."

Something is better than nothing, though, Michelle Hamlet said.

"I think getting any increase at any time gives people hope," she said. "So, and even if it's not enough financially for them, it gives people hope to get that spark going—to maybe increase it in a different way."

There is one exception to the new law, tipped workers will continue to receive $3.63 per hour if they earn more than $30 a month in tips.

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