Dangerous Club Drug 'Molly' A Growing Concern In Md.
BALTIMORE (WJZ) -- Federal authorities bust an international drug ring with ties to Maryland. They are especially concerned about one drug called "Molly," a very popular drug in clubs.
Linh Bui has details on the investigation.
The federal investigation was called "Operation Walking Dead," and it spanned across the country.
The massive amounts of drugs made their way to 21 states, including Maryland. Molly -- cocaine and methamphetamine -- came from a drug supplier out of China.
"It's made in China and easily imported into the U.S., either through the Internet means, or perhaps some other mailing means. Results in the fact that the drug is readily accessible," said William Hochul Jr., United State Attorney.
Investigators are cracking down on MDMA--or Molly--a pure, more potent form of ecstasy. The high gives users a sense of euphoria, but then the crash results in anxiety and depression.
"They will often mix ecstasy with other drugs, especially at parties, like alcohol and marijuana. And I think the combination of these drugs makes them all more toxic," said Dr. Damon Raskin, addiction specialist.
The federal bust yielded 70 kilograms of the drug, which is sold for $1,000 a kilo. And 54 people were arrested in the U.S.
Authorities say they cracked the case by tracking the supplier's email, which investigators say was solely used to sell drugs.
"If the kids knew this was rat poison they wouldn't be buying it. But they're marking it in these colorful tablets, putting it in drinks as a powder and being told it's OK. So if we can educate them and get to the parents, and the coaches, and the teachers and the grandparents, this is a big step for us," said Brian Crowell, DEA special agent.
It's a dangerous club drug growing in popularity.
The federal investigation took 15 months. Officials seized drugs, guns and $50,000 in cash.
In a recent high-profile incident, two people overdosed on Molly and died while at a popular dance music festival in New York over Labor Day weekend.