Gov. Hogan Expected To Mandate Md. School Year Begin After Labor Day
BALTIMORE (WJZ)--No school before Labor Day?
The governor is expected to announce the change this week for students to go back to school in September instead of August.
With Ocean City as the back drop, the state's comptroller has taken to social media with a video to drum up support to start schools after Labor Day.
"Teachers love it, families love it, kids love it," says Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot.
A later start date could also extend the tourism season. An economic impact report says the state could generate $74 million.
"We can't find anybody who's opposed to starting school after Labor Day. Everybody wants it," says Franchot.
But here's something else to consider. The state mandates 180 days of instructional time every single year. If students go back to school a little bit later, they are going to have to make up those days somehow.
"Our belief is that the school calendar should be an issue of local control," said Bob Mosier, a spokesperson for Anne Arundel County Schools.
Mosier says changing the academic calendar isn't that simple.
"We would have to move the end of the school year two weeks or find ten instructional days within the school year to cut, that's very very difficult to do. That would include things like cutting spring break, perhaps going to school some of the days between Christmas and New Year's."
For parents, the opinions are mixed.
"We would like it to start after Labor Day. We are not that happy with how short the summer is," said Katy Clausn.
"I really don't care one way of another as long as they go to school the number of days that they are supposed to," Melissa Youssi says.
The governor also supports this change and leaders are hoping the slogan will catch on.
Out of the 25 school districts in the state only one starts after Labor Day and that's in Worcester County.
The governor will make his announcement Wednesday.
The details of his plan have not been released.
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