'Finding Neverland' Comes To Baltimore; Child Actors Steal The Show
BALTIMORE (WJZ) -- Another Broadway show has been transformed into a touring show with a stop in Baltimore.
'Finding Neverland' has a number of stars. Some small and some, even smaller.
The prequel to an iconic story written more than a century ago continues to delight.
There's a huge cast all that performs all together, in small groups, and alone.
But the scene-stealers are either under four feet, or have four paws.
Colin Wheeler and Tyler Hennessy are led by Sammy, the adorable stage dog seen in the show.
"It's really cool because we get to work with animals in the show, it's just really cool."
And while the humans have their ups and downs, Sammy is a perfect companion.
"I think it's really cool that he's more professional than all of us."
Once a week, this cast moves on to a new city to perform.
The kids are in a show about the making of the story about the kid who never grows up, a special time in the lives of these child actors.
"Everyone's like family here, so we got to know each other."
And know this too, these kids seem wise beyond their years and identify with the story.
"It's about believing, it's about adults becoming children again. It's, it's so magical, it's awesome."
This is the last Broadway show for the Hippodrome this season. 'Finding Neverland' runs through Sunday.
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