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Exclusive Look: How TSA ensures safety at BWI Airport

Exclusive Look: How TSA ensures safety at BWI Airport
Exclusive Look: How TSA ensures safety at BWI Airport 02:00

BALTIMORE -- Now that we're in the holiday season, many of us probably have a flight to catch soon.

At the airport, TSA agents are making sure everything's okay in the terminal, but that's just one side of how TSA keeps things safe.

In an exclusive look, WJZ got to see how TSA keeps BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport's perimeter intact.

At BWI Marshall, there are over ten miles of fencing surrounding the perimeter. Every day, TSA inspectors are making sure it's secure.

Tristin Carder and Brian Cheeks are two of those inspectors. While walking the perimeter fencing, they'll touch and even shake parts of the fence. They're making sure nothing is loose and properly in place.

"We deal with a lot with getting into the very black and white of different texts, regulations, programs and policies," Carder said.

The perimeter doesn't always include just fencing. At BWI Marshall, part of the perimeter is the next door neighbor to a cemetery.

There's also buildings on the property, like air cargo facilities. They're part of the perimeter, too.

"From the general road view, you just see buildings, but the interesting part about it is that it serves as a barrier," Cheeks said.

TSA inspectors examine buildings and other structures along the perimeter just like they do the fences. Inspections are scheduled, but are also done at random.

Altogether, there are around a dozen inspectors keeping an eye on everything at BWI Marshall. During WJZ's ride along Friday, Carder and Cheeks said they didn't see anything amiss.

Fortunately, they say that's common.

"There are security responsibilities that need to happen outside of what you see in the terminal building and that's what we're here to do," Carder said.

Cheeks adds, "You see the front facing officers, they work hard every day. But, you also have those of us who are behind the scenes who ensure that when you walk on the airport property is being inspected by people like me."

If a TSA inspector sees anything wrong with the perimeter, they have to alert the airport. It's the airport's responsibility to get it fixed.

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